Ward of Violet Gittens Centre, Nightengale Children’s Village, Black Rock, St. Michael; entered into rest on Sunday September 22, 2024.
Daughter of Jamal White and Shawanda Brooker.
Granddaughter of Elizabeth Knight.
House daughter of Paula Gilkes, Nikita Etherington and Susan Clarke.
Relative of Brooker, Knight and White families.
Friend of The Chairman and Members of the Board, the Director and the staff of the Child Care Board, staff and children of Violet Gittens Centre, Susan Bryan, Hezekiah and Kiana.
The funeral service celebrating the life of Shamya Azaria Sky Brooker takes place on Thursday October 10th, 2024, at Ann Gill Memorial Methodist Church, Fairfield, St. Michael. Relatives and friends are asked to meet at 10:00 a.m. The Cortege will proceed to Westbury Cemetery for the interment The body will repose at the church from 8:45 a.m. from which time floral tributes will be appreciated. The cortege will proceed to Westbury Cemetery for the interment.
Condolences may be sent to: [email protected].
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